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The Good Wife (2009-2016)

7 seasons
3,88 128 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Crime

Origin: United States

Developed by: Michelle King and Robert King

Stars: Julianna Margulies, Matt Czuchry and Christine Baranski

IMDb score: 8,4 (84.722)

Releasedate: Tuesday 22 September 2009

The Good Wife plot

Alicia Florrick leads a quiet life as the mother and wife of a prominent prosecutor, but is forced to trade her identity as `the wife of' when her husband Peter ends up in prison after a sex and corruption scandal. Alicia picks up her old profession of lawyer again due to financial distress and has to prove herself twice: towards her competitive colleagues, and towards the mocking outside world.

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Opinions about The Good Wife

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  • 908 votes
Saturday 8 May 2021
The Good Wife season 1

Each episode of this lawyer series revolves around one case, sometimes settled in court and sometimes settled amicably. It can be a serious criminal case or a banal dispute with complicated consequences. The merry-go-round of justice sometimes seems to exist as an end in itself. Strategy and rhetoric are often more important than guilt and innocence. It is an anthology of what can go wrong in a legal dispute. You also pick up some jargon. It is written with knowledge and a sense of humor.

Several common threads run through the episodes: Alicia's complex private life, the sex scandal surrounding her husband Peter and the mutual rivalry between lawyers in and outside the law firm. Political color and sensationalism also play a part.

Julianna Margulies plays Alicia Florrick, a woman who has preserved some of her youthful idealism within this opportunistic milieu. My favorite character is Kalinda, played by the British Archie Panjabi. This flamboyant researcher often colors outside the lines and uses lies and false identities. I don't like all the side characters and storylines in the later seasons, but this first season is top notch from start to finish.

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