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Jonathan Creek (1997-2016)

5 seasons
3,43 21 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Crime

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: David Renwick

Stars: Alan Davies, Caroline Quentin and Stuart Milligan

IMDb score: 8,1 (9.260)

Releasedate: Saturday 10 May 1997

Jonathan Creek plot

Jonathan Creek and his partner-in-crime Maddy Magellan, a pushy investigative journalist, team up to solve unsolved crimes for the time being. Creek is a somewhat cynical illusionist and inventor of magic tricks for the magician Adam Klaus, an insensitive casanova. With his ingenious and lateral way of thinking, he often manages to hit the nail on the head. Magellan is a cunning manipulator, who knows how to enter forbidden places like no other.

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  • 897 votes
Saturday 14 May 2022
Jonathan Creek season 1

Today Alan Davies is best known as a stand-up comedian and panelist on QI, but this TV series was his breakthrough. To become Jonathan Creek, all he has to do is put on his duffle coat. The first two seasons were the best, but they've continued to make sporadic episodes ever since.

The nonchalant curly-haired person with the drawling speech lives in a redesigned windmill. Together with sweet tooth Maddy, he solves crimes that are too difficult for the police. Both amateur sleuths use the skills of their profession. As a fiction writer she knows how to come up with the right pretexts to penetrate somewhere under cover. As a magician, he sees through the illusions surrounding a planned crime.

It revolves around situations that seem impossible: a seemingly perfect alibi, a theft from a highly secured room, a corpse falling out of the closet... Often it looks like a magic trick. As a viewer you can puzzle along and there is quite a bit of humor in it. Favorite Episode: 3.

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