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Cold Case (2003-2010)

7 seasons
3,39 82 votes

State: Canceled

Genre: Crime

Origin: United States

Developed by: Meredith Stiehm

Stars: Kathryn Morris, John Finn and Jeremy Ratchford

IMDb score: 7,6 (32.367)

Releasedate: Sunday 28 September 2003

Cold Case plot

Lilly is a passionate detective who made her mark with the Philadelphia Homicide Division. The transfer to 'cold cases' is a turning point in her career for Lilly. From then on, she has to start questioning witnesses from murder cases, sometimes twenty-five years ago. Using old evidence, new interrogations and current technologies, Lilly digs into the past. She is assisted in this by her mentor Lt. Tom Stillman and her somewhat arrogant colleague Detective Scott Valens. She has set herself one mission; no victim should ever be forgotten.

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Opinions about Cold Case

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  • 106 votes
Tuesday 11 February 2020
Cold Case season 1

Special police series in which old unsolved cases were solved. The series had an original gimmick of switching between past and present. You then saw witnesses as they looked then and now and you also heard music from that time of the murder. So you also got fun history lessons about the different eras in America and you also see the changing culture and zeitgeist at the same time. That makes this series very unique within the police genre. The permanent cast included detectives of all sorts, each with their own characteristics. They did have a private life and associated problems, but there was no real character development, so they remained a bit faded. Because of this, the feeling with them was missing and possibly that this ultimately caused the cancellation. Nevertheless, this is just a great series that is wonderful to watch when you binge watch on a bleak, rainy day.

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