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City on a Hill (2019-2022)

3 seasons
3,14 14 votes

State: Canceled

Genre: Crime

Origin: United States

Developed by: Ben Affleck and Chuck MacLean

Stars:  Kevin Bacon, Aldis Hodge and Jill Hennessy

IMDb score: 7,6 (15.795)

Releasedate: Sunday 16 June 2019

City on a Hill plot

City on a Hill is a fictitious explanation of what was called the "Boston Miracle". Corruption and racism were the norm in Boston in the early 1990s, until an African-American district attorney from Brooklyn arrived in the city and argued for change. He forms an unlikely alliance with a corrupt but revered FBI veteran who has invested in maintaining the status quo. The two take on a family of armed car thieves in a case that ultimately benefits the city's criminal justice system.

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Opinions about City on a Hill

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  • 417 votes
Friday 11 February 2022
City on a Hill season 1

Boston, early 90s. The city suffers from corruption, racism and crime. FBI veteran Jackie Rohr works in a small team to solve a robbery on a money transport. Expectations are high, the poster is promising. A sniffing and smirking Kevin Bacon stars as Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are executive producers involved in the development of City on a Hill. Will City on a Hill bring back old and golden memories of 80s Hill Street Blues (Let's be careful out there)? Is it a 90s version of Bosch? A new The Wire?

Little of all this. The 10-part City on a Hill is primarily a legal drama in which there is a lot of talk. About what? About what not! Yawn. In addition, so many characters are introduced in the first episode that the momentum is completely taken off. The sequel is better, but still messy. It takes a long time to bond with the main characters. The soundtrack naturally features More than a feeling by the band Boston. S1 from City on a Hill, although enough scenes are entertaining and intriguing, gives me a much less warm feeling.

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