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That '70s Show (1998-2006)

8 seasons
3,40 718 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Comedy

Origin: United States

Developed by: Mark Brazill, Terry Turner and Bonnie Turner

Stars: Laura Prepon, Mila Kunis and Topher Grace

IMDb score: 8,1 (193.454)

Releasedate: Sunday 23 August 1998


That '70s Show plot

Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Hyde, Dona and Fez are a group of high school teenagers in the 1970s who spent the majority of their free time doing nothing in Eric's basement. They navigate their way through life and love while perhaps enjoying a marijuana cigarette or two.

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Opinions about That '70s Show

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

avatar of HALVE TAMME.


  • 983 votes
Wednesday 9 December 2015
That '70s Show season 1

An apple? Where's my candy, you son of a bitch!

Hilarious comedy series. 8 great seasons. Good cast and lots of fun
stories / scenes are reviewed. Four and a half stars from my side
for That '70s Show.

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avatar of Black Math

Black Math

  • 141 votes
Thursday 2 February 2023
That '70s Show season 1

Nice comedy series. The 70s theme is nice, there is chemistry between the actors and there are some nice characters, with father and mother Forman being my favorites in particular. As irritating as her character is, Mila Kunis is impressive, especially for someone who was only fourteen. Only Prepon is not always convincing, especially in more dramatic moments. I don't take it too seriously, in general there is a nice interaction between her character and that of the Grace. The series is perhaps still a bit searching, also considering that Donna has a sister in one episode, who we will never see again. Nevertheless, there are many nice moments, especially scenes where someone tells or thinks how the other characters react to something, where you see those characters, but with the voice of the narrator. The medium is occasionally played with and I always like that very much. 3*.

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