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Sakamoto Days (2025)

1 season
3,50 1 votes

Alternative title: サカモト デイズ

State: Returning Series

Genre: Animation

Origin: Japan

Developed by: Yuto Suzuki

Stars: Tomokazu Sugita, Nobunaga Shimazaki and Ayane Sakura

IMDb score: 7,7 (3.062)

Releasedate: Saturday 11 January 2025


Sakamoto Days plot

Tarou Sakamoto was considered the greatest assassin of all time. He was feared by many and was at the top of the underground world until he met a woman and fell in love with her. Sakamoto gave up his life of crime and now works as a store clerk. Leaving his dark past behind him proves more difficult than Sakamoto initially imagined. Many of his former rivals and partners don't believe he has really quit and show up hoping to take him down. Sakamoto is forbidden to kill and must find creative ways to subdue his enemies and prevent them from harming his family, his shop and the town where he lives.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Taro Sakamoto (voice)

Shin Asakura (voice)

Lu Shaotang (voice)

Aoi Sakamoto (voice)

Hana Sakamoto (voice)

Heisuke Mashimo (voice)

Piisuke (voice)