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Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979-1981)

2 seasons
3,56 54 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Adventure

Origin: United States

Developed by: Glen A. Larson and Leslie Stevens

Stars: Gil Gerard, Erin Gray and Tim O'Connor

IMDb score: 6,9 (10.629)

Releasedate: Thursday 20 September 1979


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Buck Rogers in the 25th Century plot

In 1987, Captain William "Buck" Rogers tests the new Ranger 3 spacecraft. A cosmic storm damages the spaceship, freezing Buck Rogers and sending the Ranger into distant orbit. More than 500 years later, the ship returns to Earth, where Buck Rogers is rescued. The year is now 2491 and 'Buck' must adapt to life on Earth in the 25th century.

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Opinions about Buck Rogers in the 25th Century

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  • 191 votes
Monday 4 May 2020
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century season 1

I really liked this series with great main characters.
The sexy Erin Gray (Wilma Deering) was also called balm for the eyes.
Twiki the robot was funny.

The double episode, "Planet of the Slave Girls" featured the original Buck Rogers, Buster Crabbe, as a guest star.
He played that part in a 1939 movie serial.

Ironically called "Brigadier Gordon" in a nod to the other well-known character he once played with great success: Flash Gordon.

I remember he had a nice line in the said episode, something along the lines of "Believe me son, I know" (to Gil Gerard)

Maybe I should buy the DVDs

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