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Babylon 5 (1994-1998)

5 seasons
3,69 98 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Adventure

Origin: United States

Developed by: J. Michael Straczynski

Stars: Mira Furlan, Claudia Christian and Jerry Doyle

IMDb score: 8,4 (35.523)

Releasedate: Wednesday 26 January 1994

Babylon 5 plot

At the center of this story is a large space station called Babylon 5, an eight-kilometer colony built as a staging area to maintain peace through diplomacy, trade and cooperation. The commander called it the "last and best hope for peace" for humanity. However, Babylon 5 became the center of political intrigue and conflict and eventually became involved in an interstellar war.

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Opinions about Babylon 5

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  • 453 votes
Wednesday 26 December 2018
Babylon 5 season 1

Star Trek series is definitely the SF series for me. However, Babylon 5 was a very cool series that fit nicely next to it. Didn't try to copy ST but to project its own vision of the future.

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