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Legion (2017-2019)

3 seasons
3,79 108 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Action

Origin: United States

Developed by: Noah Hawley

Stars: Dan Stevens, Rachel Keller and Mackenzie Gray

IMDb score: 8,1 (99.961)

Releasedate: Wednesday 8 February 2017

Legion plot

David Haller (Dan Stevens), AKA Legion, is a troubled young man who may have superhuman abilities. Initially diagnosed as schizophrenic, David has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for years. But after a strange encounter with a fellow patient, he’s confronted with the possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees might be real.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

David Haller / Legion

Sydney ‘Syd’ Barrett

Lenny Busker

Ptonomy Wallace

Melanie Bird

Kerry Loudermilk

Cary Loudermilk

Don Eichman