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Terror in a Texas Town (1958)

Western | 80 minutes
3,43 45 votes

Genre: Western

Duration: 80 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Joseph H. Lewis

Stars: Sterling Hayden, Sebastian Cabot and Carol Kelly

IMDb score: 6,8 (2.500)

Releasedate: 1 September 1958


Terror in a Texas Town plot

"When the Texas Plains Ran With Blood and Black Gold!"

George Hansen, originally a Swedish whaler, has a house and a piece of land in Texas. One day, when he returns from a long journey, he discovers that a villainous landlord has stolen his land and killed his father. Of course, Hansen swears a blood feud and begins a manhunt for the ruthless businessman.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

George Hansen

Johnny Crale

Jose Mirada

Deacon Matt Holmes

Mona Stacey

The Minister (uncredited)

Sven Hansen (uncredited)

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