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Chisum (1970)

Western | 111 minutes
3,32 117 votes

Genre: Western

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Andrew V. McLaglen

Stars: John Wayne, Christopher George and Forrest Tucker

IMDb score: 6,8 (11.339)

Releasedate: 23 July 1970

Chisum plot

"THE LEGEND - John Wayne is 'Chisum'"

John Chisum owns a large livestock. He meets Lawrence Murphy, a landowner who is determined to take over Chisum's ranch. Chisum is told that a number of cattle thieves have stolen his horses and that a number of his men have also been murdered in this theft. Together with his neighbor Tunstall and William Bonney, better known as Billy the Kid, Chisum sets out in pursuit of the horse thieves.

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Full Cast & Crew

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John Simpson Chisum

Lawrence Murphy

James Pepper

Pat Garrett

Alex McSween

Sheriff Brady

Henry Tunstall

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Good film in which a large cattle farmer tries to resolve a conflict with a large landowner without bloodshed. This western has a somewhat slow, but solid build-up. As the story progresses, it also becomes more entertaining. A long finale with plenty of action.

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A good story, with historical-legendary backgrounds, a clever mise-en-scene and a solid role interpretation lead to a good western, in color.

All the ingredients of the genre are present, including the final battle and what can be appreciated is that it is all acceptable and enjoyable for the neutral viewer (this is the non-passionate western lover).

And John Wayne, the man who cannot be ignored in any role, is still in good shape and certainly has a good punch.

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Fairly unknown western with The Duke himself, already missed several times because there are so many of these kinds of films with Wayne and not all of them equally strong. Nevertheless, I took it and tried it, and well, the premonition turned out to be reasonable because this is not very special, even just call it boring.

The intro with the paintings that give a taste of the Wild West about herds, herds, cowboys, rival gangs and of course Indians is beautiful. And for a moment I jump completely out of my chair when I read the synopsis and understand that there is room for characters such as William H. Bonney and Pat Garrett, the later killer of Billy the Kid. But with all this in mind, in the end, that first phase is surprisingly little done with the film. In fact, it's a long and boring affair the first hour with a lot of talk, characters and a phase that doesn't seem to get going. Of course there will be technical issues behind it with different parties and interests, but it couldn't interest me any less than it already does.

Towards the end, the boring whole ignites a bit with a rebellious Billy, the need for conflicts and finally the final shootout in the village with three different parties. It should be clear that when there is action that is also quite good, but the whole run-up and everything else is really water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. It is therefore inevitable that this Chisum, with an aging Wayne, is more than quite disappointing. Nice still the small setup to what would be historically correct regarding the fate of Billy The Kid by the hand of Pat Garrett.

But apart from the beautiful beginning with the paintings and the decent action, Chisum is a film that will soon be forgotten.

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