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War Horse (2011)

War | 146 minutes
3,24 1.246 votes

Genre: War / Drama

Duration: 146 minuten

Country: United States / India

Directed by: Steven Spielberg

Stars: Jeremy Irvine, Emily Watson and David Thewlis

IMDb score: 7,2 (166.955)

Releasedate: 25 December 2011

War Horse plot

"Separated by war. Tested by battle. Bound by friendship."

'War Horse' follows a young man named Albert (Jeremy Irvine) and his horse Joey. Their bond is broken when Joey is sold to the military and taken for use in World War I. Although Albert is still too young to enlist in the army, he decides to go to France to save his friend.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Albert Narracott

Ted Narracott

Rose Narracott

Capt. James Nicholls

Maj. Jamie Stewart

Geordie Soldier

Lt. Charlie Waverly

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Three times yuck.

To be honest, I didn't have many expectations for this film. Spielberg is best known, but as far as I'm concerned he has never directed a film that does any justice to that status. If it is a sentimental war drama about a horse then my expectations are just low.

What struck me most about this film was the cast, and how it is reduced to a heap of names on a poster. There are even people like Philippe Nahon and Nicholas Bro is ... but nobody gets the space to do anything with his character. It's all slick uniformity, so you can just as well take a series of unknown actors.

The course was mostly disturbing and sentimental. The whole team thing is typical Spielberg bullshit, the horse as a common thread throughout the war doesn't work at all and anyone who doesn't get itchy from the bad accents has watched too many American films.

The playing time is then the last problem. If it doesn't work for a meter and is especially irritating, it is extra bad that it has to take 2.5 hours before the last happy scene finally disappears from the screen. Annoying Spielberg this, but completely within expectations.


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Cinematographically a very good film, à la Spielberg, with sensational, imaginative scenes, beautiful views and a lot of emotion throughout the adventure of the story, which is certainly unbelievable but is actually accepted all together, because of the beautiful cinematic qualities.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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War horse I pushed out in front of me several times. It turned out later that this was correct. This has to be one of Steven Spielberg's weaker productions. Cinematographically, in terms of direction and editing, however, it all looks quite nice with beautiful camera angles, wide landscapes and also the beautiful decor of some trenches in WWI. The sometimes separate camera angles were also a plus. Just think of images from the reflection of the horse's eyeball...

So much for the good news. The plot was very weak. In WWI almost as many horses were killed as soldiers. They soon went towards 8 million horses. Add to this the fact that the horses had a very short life in WWI, then it is absurd to think that a horse survives the entire war, especially if it has served in the front ranks of the front. In addition to the direct causes of death in the war, animals also had to deal with exhaustion, deprivation and all kinds of diseases. And the scene with the very heavy fall and the entanglement in the barbed wire is unbelievable: a horse doesn't recover from something like that. At least a broken leg, let alone the flesh wounds from the ironwork... No, instead you get some sort of Christmas truce to save a horse. The pincers are flying around you, duh ...

Also the reunion with Albert has been completely blown out of the box as well as the wonderful attraction that Joey has when a new owner discovers him. Very sweet and sentimental story with which I couldn't do much with it. This is a film that can run in the same vein as Black Beauty or The Horse Whisperer. For my part, you also throw in Free Willy. Nothing more than a pulp family film with the mind at zero. A Spielberg doesn't change that much.

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