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The Franchise Affair (1951)

Thriller | 95 minutes
3,38 8 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 95 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Lawrence Huntington

Stars: Michael Attenborough, Dulcie Gray and Anthony Nicholls

IMDb score: 7,1 (433)

Releasedate: 19 February 1951


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Franchise Affair plot

Two women live in the remote mansion The Franchise in Milford about whom there is a lot of gossip. A sixteen-year-old girl from the village disappears and reappears just as suddenly. She accuses the women of detaining, beating and starving her for a month. The villagers are only too willing to believe her. A process is being prepared, the outcome of which is predetermined. But village attorney Robert Blair doubts the girl's story. Straight against public opinion and even Scotland Yard, Blair investigates. The lawsuit it inevitably leads to is nothing short of startling.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Marion Sharpe

Kevin McDermott

Detective Inspector Grant

Betty Kane

Mrs. Chadwick

Stanley Peters

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  • 12476 messages
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Reasonable film about a young woman who accuses two women of kidnapping her. A mystery that remains entertaining mainly because you want to know which story of the two is the truth. The build up is pretty standard with the court scene providing the denouement. The movie certainly shouldn't have lasted longer. A small 3.0 stars.

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