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The Contract (2006)

Thriller | 97 minutes
2,78 886 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Bruce Beresford

Stars: John Cusack, Morgan Freeman and Corey Johnson

IMDb score: 5,6 (26.506)

Releasedate: 5 April 2006

The Contract plot

"Every killer meets his equal."

During his escort from the hospital to the prison, the men of hit man Frank Carden strike and he, together with his police supervisor, enters the water in the car. Ray Keene and his son Chris, camping in the nearby nature reserve, find the hit man and Ray is determined to take Frank with him. But then the trio gets Frank's men after them.

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avatar van Decec


  • 6680 messages
  • 8432 votes

A good thriller/crime film...

Exciting story...

Great acting...

Nice well-known actors Morgan Freeman and John Cusack...

Both play well...

Great background sound/music (Dolby Digital)...

Very nice HD quality...

Enjoyed it, but not a great movie...

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  • 1953 messages
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This movie isn't bad at all, but it didn't interest me at all. I didn't bond with the characters. I absolutely respect Morgan Freeman as an actor, but he couldn't make his character come across as convincing to me either.

In itself he could have come across as very intriguing as a bad guy who is starting to get a kind of "soft spot" for the boy. Freeman showed the good and bad sides of this man, but in my opinion there could have been a lot more difference between the two sides. So just a bit meaner when he was back in his bad part and just a bit warmer and more human when he showed his good face.

During the journey through the forest, very little happens and that does not make it easy for the viewer to remain interested. That empty space could have been filled by a number of strong dialogues, but as far as I'm concerned, those were not forthcoming.

Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned, it's just a mediocre film. With these actors and story a missed opportunity.

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  • 2117 messages
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The plot and the ending are OK. With a pretty strong cast. But then... the execution. Now is this a movie about a hike through the woods, part in the rain, part in the dark? That film has to be filled somewhere, of course, 97 min. is not very long. The whole thing is also full of stupid actions and unlikely events. Eg. a helicopter crash after which everyone happily runs on. Cusack didn't come over at all, Freeman did, but I'm used to the latest much better films. All in all a mediocre whole, certainly not worth repeating.

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