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Stroomopwaarts (1991)

Thriller | 88 minutes
3,09 11 votes

Genre: Thriller / Drama

Duration: 88 minuten

Alternative title: Way Upstream

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Sander Francken

Stars: Geert de Jong, Juul Vrijdag and Gees Linnebank

IMDb score: 6,3 (19)


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Stroomopwaarts plot

Two couples go sailing on a yacht on Dutch waters. The men know each other from the office, but the holiday fun is immediately disrupted by a tense atmosphere due to tense relationships. When a stranger rescues them from a predicament and sails along for a bit, the fence is completely blown.

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Ebenezer Scrooge

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Thanks to Lakte seen this thriller from Dutch soil thirty years later, and also of good quality.

I actually thought the film was too good for TV at the time and the above explanation explains a lot. I never knew it was originally a movie. While watching I realized that I couldn't remember anything about it, yes, in general, of course..

The film does indeed resemble Cape Fear, with a pinch of The River Wild, although that film was released 3 years later. The entire film exudes a light Dick Maas atmosphere, although it all goes a bit slower here. It's only in the last 20 minutes that things get really exciting. No idea why the VARA didn't like a repeat, it's quite exciting but shocking to say the least..

During a boating holiday in their own country (Nederhorst ten Berg, the Vecht region, somewhere in that area...), four posh 'captains of industry' get a taste of their own medicine when they bring a strange man, a kind of wild man, on board who has already soon emerges as the captain of the ship and starts giving orders.

Geert de Jong, one of my favorite Dutch actresses, often played these kinds of 'bitchy' roles, although she played the role of Maria (Ria) in De Vierde Man.

The nicest thing about this film is perhaps the trip on the water, the sailing, the typical Dutch nature that passes you by..

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Nice to see you again. Funny how I knew some scenes almost exactly in terms of lyrics but must have confused other scenes with another movie. Good actors, especially Linnebank as a psychopath who increasingly asserts his lust for power.

A thriller with moments that made me laugh, but not because it was bad. It remains fairly light-hearted, although there are certainly intense moments. Efficient running time too.

A certain clumsiness and datedness is not strange to this film (the wooden music during the credits, the spineless soft egg), but this is sometimes on purpose. We see a normal civilian couple, certainly not heroes. It all looks more Dutch anyway. The nice thing is that you start to wonder what you would do in their shoes. I enjoyed myself.

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