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Guncrazy (1992)

Thriller | 97 minutes
2,91 60 votes

Genre: Thriller / Crime

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tamra Davis

Stars: Drew Barrymore, James Le Gros and Jeremy Davies

IMDb score: 5,5 (2.760)

Releasedate: 11 September 1992

Guncrazy plot

"Love made them crazy. Guns made them outlaws."

Anita Minteer has had enough of her mean stepfather and shoots the man dead during one of their many fights. She is on the run and plans to meet an ex-con with whom she has been in correspondence for years.

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What struck me in the credits is the use of women in direction and production and screenplay. Could it be a coincidence that James LeGros as the male hero of the story is not the typical hero at all? He is an artistically inclined fairly honest man with erection problems. It's hard not to see the parallel/symbolism of the potency issues and the use of the guns in the story. In the end, Drew Barrymore is more or less the one pulling the strings. That's very apparent when she's clearly the better shooter early on in the relationship. She is also the one who killed 2 men and caused two accidental deaths, and all of this will be blamed on LeGros. Women in power. I enjoyed the early 90's atmosphere and the beautiful noir visuals that come along every now and then. It was also enjoyable to watch the scenes with Billy Drago as a pastor. Pleasant viewing.

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