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Cosmic Princess (1976)

Scifi | 89 minutes
1,33 3 votes

Genre: Scifi

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Charles Crichton and Peter Medak

Stars: Martin Landau, Barbara Bain and Catherine Schell

IMDb score: 3,4 (386)

Releasedate: 1 December 1982


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Cosmic Princess plot

The moon is thrown from its orbit by a huge explosion and after a long wandering ends up in the orbit of the planet Pychon. The Moonbase Alpha settlers hope the planet has Psychon and mineral they need to survive. However, they are ambushed by Psychon's Mentor, a devilish beauty who wants to use their spirits for a machine that can turn her planet back into paradise.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Commander John Koenig

Doctor Helena Russell

Captain Alan Carter

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