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Cold Skin (2017)

Scifi | 101 minutes
3,07 156 votes

Genre: Scifi / Thriller

Duration: 101 minuten

Alternative title: La Piel Fría

Country: Spain / France

Directed by: Xavier Gens

Stars: Ray Stevenson, David Oakes and Aura Garrido

IMDb score: 6,0 (18.737)

Releasedate: 20 October 2017

Cold Skin plot

"We are never too far from those we hate"

On the edge of the Antarctic Circle, in the years after World War I, a steamship arrives on a desolate island. There is a young man on board who is on his way to fulfill his job as a weather observer. But once he arrives, he finds no trace of the man he was supposed to replace, only a derailed stranger who has seen something terrible. Meanwhile, night is slowly dawning on the island...

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Whoever fights monsters becomes a monster himself.

If you look into the abyss for a long time, the abyss also looks into you.

Surprisingly good!

The connection with The Shape of Water is quickly made, but I simply liked this one better.

Beautiful images of the volcanic island with its great cliffs and waves. In addition, a lighthouse that knows how to show beautiful atmospheres and nice shots. The story is interesting from beginning to end despite 3 main characters. And the actors play their roles without a doubt solid. There are a lot of cool action scenes in the film that are beautifully and clearly depicted. A few scenes are quite creepy and exciting. The creatures look quite solid and certain things remain a bit vague, but that did not bother me. You can fill in most things yourself after the credits or form a certain idea about it. Not everything always has to be explained to her in detail. Small topper! 8/10

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Darwin was wrong...

At its core I found this more of a drama (+fantasy) - and to be honest the movie made me very sad. Loneliness and fear bring out the worst in people and then you need something to hate, to vent your frustration. I didn't find these creatures "monsters" so much as other living beings that are different from us; monsters, that's what a man like Gruner wants to see in them to have an excuse to kill them. While those sea creatures just want to protect their own primitive civilization and habitat and are not that different from us. And Gruner is more of a monster than them (the quote from Nietzsche)

And so Gens makes a very beautiful but cruel film, which will be interpreted too simplistically by many I fear. It is also somewhat his own fault: he gives what is a moral drama an almost horror-like embellishment while that was not necessary at all. Still, I found it a strong film that certainly deserves to be seen by a wider audience.

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Sometimes a debut film creates high expectations for someone's further career and Frontiere(s) was really a New French Extremity representative at the time, which made me curious: what else would Gens come up with?

Now it is to be appreciated that he is tapping into a different barrel with Cold Skin, but this film never really managed to deliver on that promise. The story seeks more repetition than surprise, the pseudo-poetic voice-over causes more annoyance than depth and the acting, especially by Gruner, also leaves much to be desired.

Somewhere the film does contain some nice pictures of the desolate island and the besieged lighthouse that proudly towers above it and the creature design is also good, but you miss the deliberate signature of a skilled director. The ending that completes the circle is somewhat predictable and makes you realize that the road to get there has in fact brought little that is uplifting. Never really exciting, never really impressive. Entertaining. 2.5*

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