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The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Romance | 106 minutes
3,30 1.997 votes

Genre: Romance / Mystery

Duration: 106 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: George Nolfi

Stars: Matt Damon, Emily Blunt and Anthony Mackie

IMDb score: 7,0 (275.892)

Releasedate: 3 March 2011

The Adjustment Bureau plot

"Fight for your fate."

Ambitious David Norris (Matt Damon) is about to win a seat in the US Senate, but when he meets the stunning Elise Sellas (Emily Blunt) and has a romantic affair with her, his life changes drastically. David soon discovers that they are being followed by men who, on behalf of the mysterious 'The Adjustment Bureau', do everything they can to prevent them from being together.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

David Norris

Elise Sellas

Harry Mitchell

Charlie Traynor

Adrian Troussant, Elise's Fiancé

Suburban Mom

Suburban Neighbor

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  • 87411 messages
  • 12417 votes

Bit stale.

Adjustment Bureau comes across as old-fashioned. There's a thick layer of dust on the entire film, which doesn't make it any more exciting (could have been fun in itself). Perhaps this would have been better with a Terry Gilliam at the helm, who could have just made it all a bit smoother.

Damon is fine, Blunt is a dead object. It never sparkles between the two, which already undermines the setup quite a bit. Also, the "desk" itself seems to be stuck in the 50s, while clearly set in the now. Now the entire styling is a bit stale (probably has to do with the political atmosphere, but even then it is heavily exaggerated), with gray colors and stately, boring camera work, it keeps wringing all the time.

There's a nice concept in there to set up a great genre film, but Nolfi is not a director enough to make something of it and the film quickly becomes full of goodness that gets bogged down in some boring posturing.

Not a disaster for once, fortunately it doesn't take 120+ minutes either, but they clearly could have done a little more with this.


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  • 3487 messages
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What a very interesting and fun story!

You can actually forget the label mystery. Well, the first 20 minutes it might be a bit mysterious, but then you've had it. I was a bit shocked by the revelation, and expected it to be a nonsensical tune. That was really great. It is quite realistically substantiated. But more importantly, it's still very enjoyable to watch. Exciting, fun ideas, beautiful images, and the romance is palpable.

Yes, finally a breath of fresh air after some disappointments.

Small 4*.

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  • 58 messages
  • 60 votes

Nice film including a kind of shortcut and dining room by H. Potter. Was captivated from the first minute. 8/10

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