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A Pyromaniac's Love Story (1995)

Romance | 94 minutes
2,57 7 votes

Genre: Romance / Comedy

Duration: 94 minuten

Alternative title: Burning Love

Country: United States

Directed by: Joshua Brand

Stars: William Baldwin, Erika Eleniak and John Leguizamo

IMDb score: 5,3 (1.140)

Releasedate: 28 April 1995

A Pyromaniac's Love Story plot

Sergio (Leguizamo) dreams of a beautiful life with the burly lady Hattie (Frost), but with the money he earns as a baker's boy, it will be a while before he has anything to offer her. And even that one dream goes up in smoke - literally even - when the bakery where Sergio works burns down. Sergio is without money and without a job, but with a glimmer of hope, because someone is willing to make him a proposal, a crazy proposal.

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