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Dead Again (1991)

Mystery | 108 minutes
3,03 208 votes

Genre: Romance / Thriller

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Kenneth Branagh

Stars: Kenneth Branagh, Andy Garcia and Derek Jacobi

IMDb score: 6,8 (30.709)

Releasedate: 23 August 1991

Dead Again plot

"How many times can you die for love?"

In 1949, composer Roman Strauss is murdered for murdering his wife Margaret with scissors. In 1990 in Los Angeles, a woman has visions of the Strauss murder. Mike Church decides to investigate.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Roman Strauss / Mike Church

Gray Baker

Margaret Strauss / Grace

Father Timothy

Sister Madeleine/Starlet

Cozy Carlisle

Franklyn Madson

Pete Dugan

Doug O'Malley

All Media

Trailer & other videos

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What a film very well done especially the alternation in black and white.

Actors play 2 roles and they do that very well.

Story is just fine.

4 stars

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Good film in which a detective tries to determine the identity of a woman with amnesia. Hitchcockian in both execution and story, and it works out well here. An excellent plot with some good twists and where two stories (separated by time) are told parallel to each other.

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Sergio Leone

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Hardly to be taken seriously, but nevertheless entertaining mix of romantic drama and thriller with Hitchcock influences. It's all rather thick and that's why it's easy to digest. We are now 30 years after the production year and the film is quite dated in certain areas, such as the soundtrack.

Anyway, Kenneth Branagh - not even a very good actor - does what he has to do just fine, and the same can be said of Emma Thompson - I like to see her busy again. Furthermore, some supporting roles for well-known heads such as Andy Garcia and Robin Williams.

Branagh is also behind the camera, but as mentioned, the film seems to be a kind of ode to the Hitchcock thrillers. Much of its own stamp is barely recognizable. Although not shot in black and white, those scenes of the Straussen are portrayed atmospherically. But in general, the end product is just a simple, easy-to-digest bite.


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