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The Greatest Showman (2017)

Music | 105 minutes
3,46 614 votes

Genre: Music / Biography

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Michael Gracey

Stars: Hugh Jackman, Michelle Williams and Zac Efron

IMDb score: 7,5 (318.656)

Releasedate: 20 December 2017

The Greatest Showman plot

"The impossible comes true."

'The Greatest Showman' takes a look at the life of PT Barnum. An entertainer who came from nowhere to create a fascinating spectacle that became a worldwide sensation. For example, he would eventually become the famous Ringling Bros. and found Barnum & Baily Circus.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

P. T. Barnum

Phillip Carlyle

Charity Barnum

Anne Wheeler

Lettie Lutz

James Gordon Bennett

Charles Stratton

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Richly set up musical around the person of PT Barnum. I'm not a big fan of musicals, but visually those films often have a small advantage and with a nice director at the helm it is often quite enjoyable. That was a little disappointing here.

Visually, there really isn't much to complain about. Beautiful decors, charming style, a bit well-behaved and a bit too neat, but not that it becomes disturbing. This is clearly not a Luhrmann, but it is craftsmanship. The music, on the other hand, is drapy, even for a musical. It looks like a child's doll, sometimes reminded me of K3. Childish lyrics and flat-produced pop music, and that I bake.

The rest of the movie is okay. Actors are doing well, plot is interesting enough dance numbers are reasonably choreographed. Could easily have been a lot better if the music hadn't been done by the Disney club, but apparently that wasn't the case with this movie. It's a shame, now it's more of a movie that is best done with earplugs in.


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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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The general public was wilder about La La Land than this The Greatest Show. As a musical lover I am so much more a fan of The Greatest Show. Together with Phantom of the Opera (2004) and Les Misérables (2012), one of the best musical films of the 21st century. Those 2 are just that little bit better because they are visually that much more stunning.

The Greatest Show opens beautifully and invites you to watch. Hugh Jackman goes back to his Broadway roots and shows that he had another career before Wolverine. Complemented by a captivating cast. The focus is not necessarily on the freaks and the drama, but on a decent story around the show. There is also rhythm in the film and although it usually remains small-scale, the choreography is well done. The songs stick with a mix of modern pop and Broadway.

The musical is as it should be, warm and cozy, quite sweet with glitter and glam. But that's what made it such a strong film. It's nice to see a movie like this again. With makers and actors who do more than sing some loose songs and hop around. It is the whole with music in the story, in the dialogues, in the interpretation. I will enjoy this again later.

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the new guy

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This musical meets everything a musical should be good at. Great music as the main thing, wonderful dance scenes, good morale and just a happy character. Well and then someone acts a little less here and there, but the goal has been achieved: I am extremely well entertained, and so the moral is fully fulfilled.

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