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I Kissed a Vampire (2010)

Music | 110 minutes
1,00 2 votes

Genre: Music / Horror

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Chris Nolan

Stars: Lucas Grabeel and Adrian Slade

IMDb score: 4,0 (457)

Releasedate: 30 March 2012

I Kissed a Vampire plot

Plagued by bizarre dreams about goth rocker Trey Sylvania, Dylan is not your average teenager: he is turning into a vampire. He was bitten by an exchange student, but doesn't know how to stop the process. His demented dentist is powerless against the growing canines, and the parapsychologist's anti-bloodsucking pills only give him a rash. Dylan also has increasing difficulty with Sara, his girlfriend. When he comes near her, his fangs expand and he feels the urge to bite her. He avoids her and Sara sings out her frustrations at boyfriend's strange behavior. Dylan also decides to voice his frustrations.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Dylan Knight

Trey Sylvania

Dr. Dan Helsing

Nikki No

Desiree Damned

Dr. Lori Light

Bitty Kilgore

Lydia Bloodworthy

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