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Suspiria (2018)

Horror | 152 minutes
3,12 474 votes

Genre: Horror / Mystery

Duration: 152 minuten

Country: Italy / United States

Directed by: Luca Guadagnino

Stars: Dakota Johnson, Tilda Swinton and Mia Goth

IMDb score: 6,7 (98.400)

Releasedate: 26 October 2018

Suspiria plot

"Give your soul to the dance."

In 1977, the young American ballerina Susie Bannion travels to the prestigious Markos Tanz Company dance academy in Berlin. Upon her arrival, a student named Patricia has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Classes continue under the watchful eye of art director Madame Blanc. Meanwhile, Susie befriends fellow student Sara. Both share the feeling that the academy is hiding a dark secret.

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Madame Blanc / Dr. Klemperer / Helena Markos

Miss Vendegast

Miss Griffith

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  • 3556 messages
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Gray, but I certainly didn't think it was static. Many atmospheric shots and the typical fetishistic giallo style with many uncomfortable zooms and close-ups creates the perfect uncomfortable atmosphere. The nightmare scenes in which the Cattet & Forzani edit is fun, but the dance scenes are also true works of art that seem anything but static in terms of camera work.

In terms of style, it is radically different from the original Suspiria. The fabulous, colorful style from the original gives way to a dark, alienating atmosphere. And in which Argento managed to elevate the murder scenes almost to a kind of fairytale art, Guadagnino works a lot rougher. Certainly the murder of Olga is, besides visually beautiful, also quite gruesome and in terms of horror, it is not inferior to the better genre work. However, the best is saved for last...

The much-discussed finale is the scene in which all the qualities of the film come together at their strongest and provide a wonderfully hysterical piece of cinema. A wonderfully gritty climax that lingers for a while, although there is still a somewhat saltless epilogue after it. In any case, like Cikx, I thought the little plot around the psychiatrist was quite unnecessary. It often distracts quite a bit from the bizarre atmosphere that is being built up and, in my opinion, adds little substance. The sentiment surrounding his deceased wife also feels cheap and misplaced. And since quite a bit of time was spent on it, that leaves a small aftertaste on an otherwise great film. Maybe it will rise again, but for now a spacious 4 *.

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In the opening of this loose remake of Dario Argento's "Three Mothers" trilogy, screenwriter David Kajganich makes it immediately clear that this is a different approach to that story, which, incidentally, is based on "Suspiria de Profundis" by Thomas de Quincy. Susie Bannion [Dakota Johnson] bumps along the Berlin Wall and the Lufthansa hijacking by members of Baader-Meinhof keeps things very busy . The Holocaust also appears to play a role in this more repulsive than shocking horror thriller that seems to have been made especially for lovers of expressive dance. The first hour could have been written off in my opinion, but almost as bad is the fact that the first so-called horror scene comes as a complete surprise. It may be gruesome, but because as a viewer you probably don't understand what it all means, it's bizarre rather than terrifying. It typifies the rest of this film, in which there is a lot of dancing but hardly any ropes can be tied to it. It all leads to an extremely hysterical, insane finale consisting of a cabinet of curiosities full of bloodshed (an expressive dance by naked women of course) but without suspense. Tilda Swinton is sinister as Madame Blanc and Renée Soutendijk excels in a small role in which she clearly enjoys a lot. Unfortunately, it is not easy for the viewer to share in the festivities.

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  • 13389 messages
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Cool movie. I'm not familiar with the Argento version and I'm not a horror fan either, but reading the comments like this only seems to help me appreciate Suspiria from 2018. The film is not so much exciting as it is intriguing and that across the board, despite the climactic build-up. Visually, Suspiria distinguishes itself first of all by the sets, especially that dance school is decisive and in a broader sense actually the entire setting of a gray Germany that is held in its grip by terror. There are also plenty of beautiful moments from the cinematography itself and the editing (especially the cross-cutting of course). There is clearly a vision behind it, whether you like it or not. I honestly did not recognize the double role of Swinton, but it is mainly Dakota Johnson who impresses with her credible transformation. What I just don't understand yet; was Blanc well mother Suspirium going to live in Suzie, or was Suzie actually the embodiment of mother Suspirium from the start? And then the music, yes, that opening and closing song by Yorke is of course fantastic and if you don't hear that, you should really take the bunches of parsley out of your ears.

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