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Nightmare Man (2006)

Horror | 94 minutes
1,85 37 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Rolfe Kanefsky

Stars: Blythe Metz, Tiffany Shepis and Luciano Szafir

IMDb score: 4,0 (2.507)

Releasedate: 13 June 2006

Nightmare Man plot

"Your dreams won't save you"

Ellen Morris believes that something or someone is after her, but her husband thinks Ellen is just crazy. On the way to an institution, Ellen and her husband have car trouble and are suddenly attacked by The Nightmare Man. Ellen manages to escape and ends up in the woods near an old house, where two young couples are on vacation. It seems that everyone is in grave danger. Or is Ellen really going crazy?

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