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La Venganza del Sexo (1971)

Horror | 85 minutes
2,45 11 votes

Genre: Horror / Scifi

Duration: 85 minuten

Alternative title: The Curious Dr. Humpp

Country: Argentina

Directed by: Emilio Vieyra

Stars: Ricardo Bauleo, Gloria Prat and Aldo Barbero

IMDb score: 4,8 (732)

Releasedate: 1 January 1969


La Venganza del Sexo plot

Crazy doctor Humpp kidnaps couples while they're just having sex. He takes them to his castle where he holds them captive and injects them with a serum that is supposed to increase their sexual performance. While his guinea pigs are having sex, he drains their fluids. Humpp needs the juices to keep him from turning into a monster himself.

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