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Legion (2010)

Fantasy | 100 minutes
2,63 904 votes

Genre: Fantasy / Horror

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Scott Stewart

Stars: Paul Bettany, Dennis Quaid and Doug Jones

IMDb score: 5,3 (115.020)

Releasedate: 21 January 2010

Legion plot

"When the last angel falls, the fight for mankind begins."

A group of people stop somewhere in the south for a meal at a trucker's restaurant. However, they soon find out that they don't have time here to just eat something, but have to fight for their lives and defend themselves against angels sent by God to wipe out humanity. What the group doesn't know is that this biblical apocalypse means they may well be humanity's last hope, because one of the waitresses is pregnant with the Messiah...

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john mcclane 2

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A very good fantasy/horror movie.

nice hd images, pretty okay characters. exciting. reasonable special fx.

may be there for sure,,,,(I am in the minority given the score)

but more people see salvation in it because there will be a TV series.

which from what I've read is even better than the movie.

M curious.

Syfy Orders TV Pilot Based on 'Legion' Movie - screenrant.com


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The idea is still original, not quite my thing, but I still want to give a horror / action a chance. Well, if I hadn't, I probably wouldn't have missed much. The film fails to really flesh out the idea well.

Visually it is sometimes still ok, with some cheesy monsters, for example The Ice Cream Man. The zombie-like people who gather around the building and sometimes attack provide the necessary entertainment and the film looks good, especially in the beginning.

Unfortunately, the film is a bit too bizarre and the second half gives it a comedic charge. The actors in general aren't that good either. Some stick out a bit, like Gibson and Bettany, but most don't do much of it. Quaid fails, Walsh fails, Holland fails and Durand fails.

Too bad, because a lot more could have been done with this.

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I say your fucking baby is gonna burn!

Shortly after the outcome, I already took it once, but then disappointing. I don't remember why, nevertheless the curiosity had flared up again to give the film a try, knowing that the basis of this story comes from a comic.

The story may be known, God seems to have given up faith in humanity and thinks it's time for a big clean-up. But then God had counted on Michael who jumps in the breach and sees it as a sacred task to protect Charlie's baby, it will. Huddled together, stranded or destined in Bob's dinner, they defend themselves in hopes of a miracle. One of the positives that can be named is the nice dark atmosphere.

Well from the story Legion doesn't have it. Because why exactly that baby when the operation is one big wipe out? It doesn't get clear. Like the hodgepodge of a plague, people who are possessed look like demons yet are angels according to Michael's explanation. And then the question of how the rest of the population is doing and why some people are not possessed. The weak must clean up the strong, how special are Howard, Sandra and daughter? And one hopes for a miracle? God will soon run out of flesh dolls if they kill enough?

It doesn't really matter that much because although much less than other films based on comics, Legion is quite good as a slasher with some pseudo horror moments, because the action and violence is fine and that's the most that counts for the film.

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