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Pipo en de P-P-Parelridder (2003)

Family | 103 minutes
2,13 118 votes

Genre: Family

Duration: 103 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Martin Lagestee

Stars: Joep Dorren, Mariska Van Kolck and Rudi Falkenhagen

IMDb score: 5,0 (167)

Releasedate: 19 November 2003


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Pipo en de P-P-Parelridder plot

In Pipo and the Knight of Pearls, Pipo takes a walk in a ruin and awakens a Knight who has been sleeping there for 500 years. Pipo reunites the Knight with his great love, who has been waiting for him all this time. Pipo manages to keep the couple out of the hands of Dikke Deur and Snuf en Snuitje. They have completely different plans for the lovers. Pipo takes them to wizard Miriardo, who has to send the Knight and his love back to the past. Because that's where their future lies.

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