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Zulu Dawn (1979)

Drama | 115 minutes
3,23 81 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 115 minuten

Country: United States / Netherlands

Directed by: Douglas Hickox

Stars: Burt Lancaster, Simon Ward and Denholm Elliott

IMDb score: 6,6 (7.887)

Releasedate: 14 May 1979

Zulu Dawn plot

"The sun dawned bloodied... two great armies met face to face... and the earth trembled to the sound of the Zulu death chant!"

In 1879, after winning the first battle, the British settlers offer the king an impossible ultimatum. It responds by sending its warriors on a warpath. The British are confident in their weapons technologies and the qualities and organization of their army, and they are invading Zululand in good spirits. The battle of Isandlwana is followed through the eyes of fighters from both sides, showing the arrogance of the British, who grossly underestimate their opponents...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Col. Anthony Durnford

Colonel Pulleine

C.S.M. Williams

Lord Chelmsford

Sir Henry Bartle Frere

Col. Hamilton-Brown

Lt. Vereker

Boy Pullen

QSM Bloomfield

Norris Newman

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