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The Heartbreak Kid (1993)

Drama | 97 minutes
3,28 9 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: Australia

Directed by: Michael Jenkins

Stars: Claudia Karvan, Alex Dimitriades and Nick Lathouris

IMDb score: 6,2 (715)

Releasedate: 17 June 1993


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Heartbreak Kid plot

"A hip, hot and sexy lesson in love!"

Christina is overjoyed with her job as a teacher and her fiancé Dimitri, a successful lawyer. Her colleagues respect her and she is a confidant for many students. This also applies to Nick, who recently lost his mother, and who wants to start a football team against the wishes of the sports teacher. Nick is in love with Christina and shows this more and more. Christina rejects him for a long time, but is nevertheless tempted into a passionate and forbidden affair...

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