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Tattoo (2002)

Drama | 108 minutes
2,93 30 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: Germany

Directed by: Robert Schwentke

Starst: August Diehl, Christian Redl and Nadeshda Brennicke

IMDb score: 6,3 (3.355)

Releasedate: 4 April 2002


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Tattoo plot

Marc Schrader, a recent police academy graduate, and his colleague, the quirky Chief of Police Minks, stumble upon a mysterious case. The charred corpse of a young woman leads them on the trail of several murders, each with something in common: large pieces of skin have been removed from the bodies. Marc and Minks delve further into the investigation and end up in a world of violence, blood and perverse obsessions.

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  • 11725 messages
  • 3270 votes

Excellent German thriller and the director's debut of Red and Flightplan. Indeed a style of Se7en, but this time with a psycho who is obsessed with back tattoos. 2 Berlin police officers investigate and it automatically ends up in a kind of film version of a German Krimi, which can also be very good. Tattoo is a nice looker with a few special and also very shocking moments. In the end also a few special finds and surprises and an ending that makes you think: Huh??

In my opinion a great movie.


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Indeed a pity about the far-fetched ending, but overall I thought this was an above average and exciting serial killer film with some strong twists and turns. It is of the grittier kind and the influence of Se7en seems obvious to me (rainy atmosphere, boxes with horrible surprises) ... Strong direction and the actors also appealed to me with Redl in the lead. Thoroughly enjoyed and well worth a look.

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  • 9455 messages
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Indeed a pity about the far-fetched ending, but overall I thought this was an above average and exciting serial killer film with some strong twists and turns. It is of the grittier kind and the influence of Se7en seems obvious to me (rainy atmosphere, boxes with horrible surprises) ... Strong direction and the actors also appealed to me with Redl in the lead. Thoroughly enjoyed and well worth a look.

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