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Sully (2016)

Drama | 96 minutes
3,45 1.246 votes

Genre: Drama / Biography

Duration: 96 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Clint Eastwood

Stars: Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart and Laura Linney

IMDb score: 7,4 (307.531)

Releasedate: 7 September 2016

Sully plot

"The Untold Story Behind the Miracle on the Hudson."

Film about the life of American pilot Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger (Tom Hanks). Sully became world famous after his passenger plane made an emergency landing on New York's Hudson River, saving the lives of 155 people on board. However, while Sully was praised by the public and the media for his achievement, an investigation unfolded in the background that threatened to destroy his reputation and career.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger

Jeff Skiles

Lorraine Sullenberger

Elizabeth Davis

Charles Porter

Michael Delaney

Doreen Welsh

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avatar van Alathir


  • 2105 messages
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Sully! A great movie, really, hands down! It's unbelievable that Clint Eastwood still manages to direct such a great movie in his old age. I read that Hanks did have a lot of stress on set because Eastwood is not your average director. That might explain his heart rate of 110 during the movie.

Clintwood manages to make the NTSB the antagonist in a nice way. He creates a villain because otherwise he couldn't make his movie. And that works out well, despite the fact that they can't laugh about it over there at the NTSB. The film shows in an excellent way that computers are still not equal to humans because the human factor is missing. It's a very topical topic. self-driving cars where the technology is there, but where the human side is very difficult to take into account.

The film could have been done in half an hour: 4 minutes for the landing and 24 minutes for the rescue. However, it lasts 3x as long and was never bored for a moment. The tension was also palpable during the simulations, I sympathized with Sully and Jeff.

You see how Sully waives the media spotlight, how he felt in the days after the foiled disaster. How his wife feels, only after a few hours did she realize that Sully could have been dead just like all those other people.. The film also ends with a joke and I had to laugh about it. A great ending for one of the best films of the year.

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How this movie could have been told:

"I couldn't help but land in the Hudson."
"According to our simulations, yes."
"Have you factored in 35 seconds of decision time?"
"Oh no, let's do that for a moment.... Damn, you're right."
"It doesn't matter. Next time we'll do it in July."

But Eastwood wouldn't be Eastwood if he didn't turn this into a heroic American epic at all costs. Of course it is a historic moment, but why not film from the perspective of the crash itself? There were 155 stories on board and then he chooses the aftermath, which should not have a name at all. Even about the person Sully we hardly learn anything.

Fortunately, Hanks saves the film somewhat. He carries the film with gusto and plays a believable role (Eastwood must have noticed this too, as Hanks' name on the poster has a larger font than the film itself). Thanks to him, the film headed for 2* for a long time, but with the last sentence and the obligatory burst of laughter after it, Sully dives just below that.

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Good movie. Special what research and testing has been done in the background, to check whether Sully has acted properly with his copilot.

It's nice to see how firmly Sully stands in his shoes, without being annoying or arrogant that he thinks he is in the right. He was able to defend himself verbally.

I did find it irritating that the people conducting the research did not come across as sympathetic. She seemed to hope that Sully had made mistakes in choosing to make this emergency landing. Whereas Sully is just a 'hero' and that he has saved so many lives.

The ending therefore makes up for a lot, but you do get a 'bad' feeling.

It's a miracle that this happened and it's wonderful that a movie was made about it.

The movie isn't too long either. I wish movies were 90 minutes long again. Often you have to watch movies for more than 2 hours and that is often not necessary, I think.

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