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Mommie Dearest (1981)

Drama | 129 minutes
3,02 73 votes

Genre: Drama / Biography

Duration: 129 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Frank Perry

Stars: Faye Dunaway and Diana Scarwid

IMDb score: 6,6 (19.095)

Releasedate: 18 September 1981

Mommie Dearest plot

"The meanest mother of them all..."

Part biographical story about the successful actress Joan Crawford (Dunaway) and the difficult relationship with her daughter. The daughter is a victim of mother's frustrations and has to live with her alcoholism and tyrannical behavior. Still, the daughter does her very best to get her mother's attention.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Joan Crawford

Christina Crawford (Adult)

Greg Savitt

Christina Crawford (Child)

Al Steele

Barbara Bennett

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Now I didn't think the movie was that great, but I was still fascinated to watch until the end. I can't pass judgment on how truthful this movie is about the life of the real Joan Crawford. I've never read the book and don't intend to. I haven't seen any films in which Joan Crawford has acted, although "What ever happened to baby Jane" is still on my "to watch" list. But I want to see that movie mainly because of Bette Davis who I loved in "The Nanny" and "Hush hush sweet Charlotte". Perhaps the intention of the film was to make us feel little sympathy for Joan Crawford's character, and I think it succeeded. I was cheering for her daughter all the way even though she sometimes dared to challenge her mother. Her mother also reacted like a small child and sore loser herself and couldn't take jokes either. People like that don't deserve better from me than a good kick to their *** What did bother me was that the film sometimes made such big jumps in time. All in all it was worth seeing.

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Good movie about Hollywood star Joan Crawford who adopts a girl. Based on the book written by the daughter. The scenes between mother and daughter are good, but because the story spans almost four decades, it is a bit fragmentary. Faye Dunaway puts on her role quite thick (but the role may also ask for this). Beautifully dressed and an excellent final shot.

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Ebenezer Scrooge

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Mommie Dearest attracted many visitors at the time who believed it was a comedy. I don't really see that 'unintentionally funny' in it myself, I found the scenes in which she abuses her daughter to be quite intense, even though they are played quite dramatically, almost absurdly. Like in the bathroom scene with the Vim powder (Old Dutch Cleanser here, that Dutch Cleanser again!). By the way, Vim is an abrasive powder brand from earlier times, then still in powder form, the predecessor of Jif and Cif, for the millennials among us.

The film garnered a record number of roundups, including best picture, actress, etc..., but I loved it. Dunaway plays incredibly well, I think, certainly not worthy of a Razzie, more like an Oscar. She portrays an extremely believable narcissistic character. That is, if Crawford really was what her daughter says she was, because that is also open to question, of course.

In appearance she certainly resembles Crawford, always had the idea that I was looking at the real Crawford.

Incidentally, Bette Davis has been blackening Dunaway in various talk shows in the late 1980s, calling her, among other things, 'unprofessional', appearing way too late on the set, things like that. She had worked with her in The Disappearance of Aimee, '76.

I think this is a special film, especially visually, on the one hand it resembles a puppet horror film, but the interiors are really beautiful, kitschy, luxurious, Hollywood through and through, and Dunaway as Crawford always looks different but beautiful, in elegant evening dresses and sparkling diamonds.

And now read the book.

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