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Madame Bovary (1991)

Drama | 140 minutes
2,90 55 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 140 minuten

Country: France

Directed by: Claude Chabrol

Stars: Isabelle Huppert, Jean-François Balmer and Christophe Malavoy

IMDb score: 6,6 (4.646)

Releasedate: 3 April 1991

Madame Bovary plot

Emma Bovary is a farmer's daughter who dreams of a romantic and bourgeois life in the big city. She marries a rural doctor who, however, does not give her the life she longs for. Lonely she tries to give shape to her fantasies through a series of romances and the purchase of exotic clothing. It is clear, however, that slowly but surely she is getting further and further away from the actual fulfillment of her desires. She loses all grip on reality and a fatal end is inevitable.

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