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Le Rayon Vert (1986)

Drama | 98 minutes
3,58 96 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 98 minuten

Alternative titles: The Green Ray / Summer

Country: France

Directed by: Éric Rohmer

Stars: Marie Rivière, Amira Chemakhi and Sylvie Richez

IMDb score: 7,6 (11.033)

Releasedate: 29 August 1986

Le Rayon Vert plot

Delphine's traveling companion cancels the vacation two weeks before departure, leaving Delphine, a Parisian secretary, not sure what to do. She does not want to travel alone but has no boyfriend and fails to meet other people. An old friend takes her to Cherbourg; but after a few days the sad and self-pitying Delphine goes home again. She tries to visit the Alps but is back home the same day. She spends a day at the beach where not much is happening either and then goes back to Paris, until suddenly, while waiting for the train in Biarritz, her eye falls on a young man...

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Eric Rohmer is a director I would like to see more of. He makes strong dreamy cinema and this “Le Rayon Vert” is also a perfect film to watch in these summer days. The pace is extremely slow and contains a lot of dialogues, but therein lies its strength. They are strong and above all very natural.

The cinematography is also neat and tidy and occasionally beautiful images pass by. The biggest problem and the reason why I can't give this movie more than three and a half stars is in the lead actress. Not in Marie Rivière, because she acts fine, but in the character she plays, called Delphine. I really struggled to sympathize with her. I found her behavior during some conversations and towards some people just seemed childish at times. Of course that stems from a kind of self-pity and loneliness, but it certainly didn't make her likeable in my eyes, although luckily that got better towards the end.

A beautiful ending, by the way, if Le Rayon Vert actually appears in the picture. That was a nice ending to an interesting piece of cinema. Beautifully filmed, strong dialogues, a nice atmosphere, but sometimes a bit too superficial and a not too sympathetic leading lady. So it can be summed up in one sentence.


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Rohmer brings two things together: the conflict between Delphine's desire for solitude and the unbearable nature of that loneliness, and the almost perfectly natural way in which this is told and deepened in a series of scenes. A kind of impossible quest, like the search for the green ray of sunshine from which the title comes. Including the banality of the ending as one of the stronger closures imaginable for this kind of film, as an answer to the problems from the beginning.

What you think of that is apparently very personal, if I read the reviews above. And yes, the dialogues might be a bit boring and Delphine might be a bit of a dork by today's standards. But it's also quite endearing, and it's done very well. Nice work, both by Rivière and Rohmer.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Delpine is a young bachelor who is indecisive socially. During one moment she is alone and lonely and completely settles in there. She thinks that's fine. On the other hand, that loneliness is also a curse, a pitfall from which it is difficult to crawl. This conflict is beautifully depicted by Rohmer.

You then get a kind of coming of age in which Delphine explores and explores her limits. The film will soon be approaching the 40th anniversary. It's not very exciting and sensual by today's standards. It/she looks boring and maybe it is. Still, I found it quite entertaining.

A neat entertaining film. Not a masterpiece, but a decent snack anyway.

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