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La Passion d'Augustine (2015)

Drama | 103 minutes
2,25 2 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 103 minuten

Alternative titles: The Passion of Augustine / De Passie van Augustine

Country: Canada

Directed by: Léa Pool

Stars: Céline Bonnier, Lysandre Ménard and Diane Lavallée

IMDb score: 7,2 (719)

Releasedate: 20 March 2015

La Passion d'Augustine plot

Simone Beaulieu has become Sister Augustine and now the superior of a convent in Quebec. Passionate and resilient, Sister Augustine dedicates her energy and musical talent to her students. When she arrived, she took her niece, Alice, a piano-playing prodigy, under her wing. The school is an important place in the musical field, winning all the major piano awards in the region. Streamlined melodies, arpeggio, Chopin waltzes and Bach tones resound. But when the government begins a new public education scheme in the 1960s, the future of Mother Superior Augustine and her sisters is threatened.

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