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L'Eau Vive (1958)

Drama | 96 minutes
3,33 3 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative title: Girl and the River

Country: France

Directed by: François Villiers

Stars: Pascale Audret and Charles Blavette

IMDb score: 6,8 (78)

Releasedate: 8 June 1958


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


L'Eau Vive plot

Félix, an old wealthy landowner in Haute de Provence, is expropriated from his property because a dam has to be built on the River Durance, so that his estate will be flooded. He receives thirty million francs in compensation but dies soon after. Hortense, his only daughter, inherits the money but the problem is that Félix has hidden the amount somewhere and it has to be found. All of Hortense's closest relatives suddenly show an interest in the "poor orphan girl", but in reality they are only after her money. Hortense turns to her uncle Simon, the only person she trusts, for support.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

L'oncle Simon

L'oncle de Cavaillon

Le notaire

La femme d'Elie

Elie - un cultivateur

Le juge de paix

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