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Kidulthood (2006)

Drama | 89 minutes
3,37 217 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Menhaj Huda

Stars: Aml Ameen, Red Madrell and Noel Clarke

IMDb score: 6,7 (19.985)

Releasedate: 3 March 2006


Kidulthood plot

"Before adulthood comes..."

For Trife, a 15-year-old boy from Westend in London, life is a struggle every day. Caught between the world of his friends at school, the girl he loves and his strong and dangerous uncle, Trife must choose between the path he knows is right or a life of guns, drugs and violence, which he already knows. knows well.

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avatar van FillumGek


  • 8987 messages
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Gripping movie.

Before I started this movie I unfortunately read a very big spoiler in the plot of the sequel Adulthood. So I advise people who still want to watch this movie not to read the plot of Adulthood yet.

I've said it before; I often find it very fascinating to watch groups of problem youth who are falling further and further downhill in crime. A hopeless existence; every day a fight to the death. Now the film is not a documentary so it will not be 100% realistic, but the impression is strong that we can all (?) be happy that we did not grow up in such harsh conditions.

The acting was again very convincing. In many situations I felt good for the young people. A few strong, hard scenes here and there. The tension between the young people is also palpable. They treat each other differently than we do. Crime and cheating are lurking everywhere. Uncle Curtis also convincingly played the gangster boss. At one point I felt a lot of pity for Alisa. Of course she is not an angel either, but she is the one with the biggest heart.

I'm glad I had subtitles. I find real British more difficult to understand, but if they also use slang, it is sometimes impossible to follow.

The ending wasn't surprising, but it did leave a small lump in my throat. Bringing in Adulthood today or tomorrow.

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Zinema (crew films)

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Unbalanced drama.

Because not all plots are equally strong, some are even downright weak. Pretty standard in terms of camera and fun in terms of soundtrack, but the acting also fluctuates.

Fortunately, the story has some momentum and, despite the low budget, manages to captivate.


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  • 3556 messages
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Still just a small 3*. Especially in terms of atmosphere very strong, sometimes quite grim and the soundtrack fits perfectly into the picture. Also some visually striking scenes, such as when Trife runs away from that crimelord's house. The plot is also quite predictable and the accumulation of misery is of course by no means realistic. Fortunately, what the film mainly focuses on is fairly well developed.

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