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Hope Gap (2019)

Drama | 100 minutes
3,35 190 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 100 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: William Nicholson

Stars: Bill Nighy, Annette Bening and Josh O'Connor

IMDb score: 6,7 (6.520)

Releasedate: 3 October 2019

Hope Gap plot

Edward and Grace have been married for 29 years. When their son Jamie visits them for a weekend, Edward confesses to him that he plans to leave his wife the next day. The family processes this news differently with emotions such as shock, disbelief and anger.

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  • 15 messages
  • 7 votes

I too agree with most of the reviews.

I think this is the best by Anette Bening.

In almost all her films you come across the same idiosyncratic character (American beauty... 20th century women).

Definitely worth a third viewing.

Also great game from husband and son.

And further .. Beautiful location.

3.5/4 stars is appropriate.

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  • 8067 messages
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The umpteenth variant on the theme of "relationship problems and divorce", but still one of the more subtle kind.
With two top actors like Bill Nighy and Annette Bening at the helm, you can expect little else.
Both know perfectly how to represent the many, diverse feelings that both partners dominate. The dialogue work is also beautiful and actually a pleasure, however painful in content, to follow.
Most scenes take place in a closed space, there is certainly variety with the beautiful images of nature, the beaches, rocks and small lakes that offer so much small life at low tide... the nostalgia of the past.
The adult son also plays an important role in the story. He doesn't take sides but feels very unhappy with that situation. The question remains whether anyone really feels happy.
Nice movie.

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  • 6465 messages
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Beautifully played drama about a long-married couple (Bill Nighy and Annette Bening) who are confronted with a marital crisis after 29 years. Many touching emotional moments, but the characters remained distant in my opinion and I did not feel sufficiently involved in the events. The theatrical elaboration of the story and the rather average visual approach did not exactly add value either.

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