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Honey (2003)

Drama | 94 minutes
3,09 1.022 votes

Genre: Drama / Music

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Bille Woodruff

Stars: Jessica Alba, Mekhi Phifer and Romeo

IMDb score: 5,3 (48.255)

Releasedate: 24 November 2003

Honey plot

"Her dream. Her terms"

Honey Daniels (Jessica Alba) has been waiting all her life to show the world her dance moves, but everything she wants is just a step too far. For years, character and ambition have given the dancer and ambitious choreographer the courage to carry on, despite the fact that those who love her dearly doubt any possible success in such a difficult profession.

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“Honey, you got skills. And that's gonna take you places.”

Feather-light dance film. There's something likeable about Jessica Alba that comes in handy when playing Honey. Honey is a young woman who tries to keep children who grow up in a problem neighborhood on the right path by dancing. And of course she dreams of a dance career in music clips.

Despite the crime and a number of shady characters, a Honey remains a light-hearted and cheerful film. The positivity radiates from it and with the music and the highly choreographed dance numbers it is difficult to sit still. With Alba as the radiant centerpiece.

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One of my favorite dance movies! Great cast and music.. I can watch this movie daily without boredom.. Love that movie ❤️

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Not original and not good. At times it is visually okay, especially in the nightclubs, but otherwise this is a relic of the 90s in terms of looks, and then in the wrong way. The dance moves now and then are funny, but everything in between, the whole story and all, that simply couldn't interest me anywhere. Mekhi Phifer I thought was fine, anyway a pleasant appearance with which he still manages in this film. 1.5*.

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