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Hideous Kinky (1998)

Drama | 98 minutes
2,96 105 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 98 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / France

Directed by: Gillies MacKinnon

Stars: Kate Winslet, Saïd Taghmaoui and Bella Riza

IMDb score: 6,0 (7.024)

Releasedate: 17 November 1998

Hideous Kinky plot

"A journey to love."

In the 1970s, Julia flees gray London with her daughters to go to Morocco. There she tries to forget her failed marriage and give her daughters some more interest in life. But in the colored city of Marrakech, Julia quickly becomes poor and faces other problems. One day she meets Bilal and then the adventure begins.

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