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Het Leven na Mevrouw de Nijs (2001)

Drama | 48 minutes
1,60 10 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 48 minuten

Alternative title: Lolamoviola - Het Leven na Mevrouw de Nijs

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Patrick Minks

Stars: Celia Nufaar, Heidi Arts and Jaap ten Holt

IMDb score: 4,5 (14)


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Het Leven na Mevrouw de Nijs plot

On a sunny day in May, Mrs. de Nijs dies. There's nothing special about that, she's 76 after all, and people just die, and whoever dies goes into the ground or gets burned and nothing else. At least, that's what Mrs. de Nijs thought about it before she died. She hadn't counted on the Hereafter Employment Agency...

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