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Hamlet (1948)

Drama | 155 minutes
3,28 58 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 155 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Laurence Olivier

Stars: Laurence Olivier and Eileen Herlie

IMDb score: 7,6 (18.958)

Releasedate: 10 December 1948

Hamlet plot

"The motion picture of all time ... for all time!"

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns to his homeland when his father, the king, dies. His mother Gertrude has already remarried to his uncle Claudius, the new king. They urge Hamlet to let him marry his beloved Ophelia. However, when his father's ghost appears to tell Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius and Gertrude, Hamlet is out for revenge.

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Hamlet - Prince of Denmark / Voice of Ghost

Ophelia - His Daughter

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A while ago I thought that Orson Welles was the only one who could really film Shakespeare's works in a faithful version. Laurence Oliver has proved me wrong with this Hamlet. The theatrical style and dialogues fit perfectly into the grand medieval sets. The film creates an atmosphere and universe in which this is very effective. By the way, compliments for the great cinematography. But whether this film deservedly won the Oscar for best picture... (as far as I'm concerned, not even the best Shakespeare film of that year), but that aside. Just a really good movie.

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A fairly solid film by Olivier, which, given the story and the running time, was quite better than expected.

For a rather theatrical and long story of Hamlet, which I know quite well, is something that tends to some dullness beforehand. The beginning of the film is also a bit of an income and you have to pay close attention because there are numerous dialogues in the film, which are sometimes not always easy to follow. But in the end it worked out quite well, and I still got a fairly good film.

Laurence Olivier plays a reasonable leading role. I don't always appreciate the theatrical acting, but here it was not too bad and it remained within limits. The story itself is still quite good and I didn't seem to remember everything very well. Especially the scenes where the deceased father appears to Hamlet are very good. The sometimes hanging fog also gives the whole thing a bit mysterious at times and contributed to the pretty good cinematography.

In the end it is certainly not a bad film and fortunately the fears I had beforehand have not come true. It's a nice Shakespearean adaptation, although I'm not blown away by it either.


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Mweh, during English in high school I thought Hamlet's story was still cool, but in the form of a film it is quite disappointing. First of all, that language! That old English becomes very tiring to follow after a while. Add to that the exaggerated way of acting and you get a ludicrous whole. In addition, I also found the playing time a bit late. In the beginning it was still doable (and even fun!), but towards the end, when one tragic scene follows another tragic scene, I started to believe it.

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