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Giant Little Ones (2018)

Drama | 93 minutes
3,26 29 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: Canada / United States

Directed by: Keith Behrman

Stars: Josh Wiggins, Darren Mann and Taylor Hickson

IMDb score: 7,2 (10.233)

Releasedate: 3 January 2019

Giant Little Ones plot

"Love without labels. Live without regrets."

Carly and Ray are divorced parents of a teenage son named Franky. The latter has been best buddies with Ballas since childhood. Both lead perfect teenage lives: they are handsome, on the swim team and popular with the girls. This changes when an incident takes place on Franky's seventeenth birthday, in which Ballas also becomes involved. Their lives, and those of their family and friends, will never be the same.

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