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El Día Que Resistía (2018)

Drama | 98 minutes
2,50 1 votes

Genre: Drama / Fantasy

Duration: 98 minuten

Alternative title: The Endless Day

Country: Argentina / France

Directed by: Alessia Chiesa

Stars: Lara Rógora, Mateo Baldasso and Mila Marchisio

IMDb score: 5,5 (67)

Releasedate: 17 February 2018


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


El Día Que Resistía plot

Eight-year-old Fan experiences a seemingly carefree childhood with her younger brother and sister Tino and Claa. They play hide and seek, read stories to each other and have fun with their dog Coco. Behind that facade, however, we see that the children are alone in their house near the forest. Their parents are strangely absent. Beautiful songs do not last long and so sooner or later their youth comes to an end.

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