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Demolition (2015)

Drama | 101 minutes
3,45 979 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 101 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jean-Marc Vallée

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Naomi Watts and Chris Cooper

IMDb score: 7,0 (119.733)

Releasedate: 8 April 2015

Demolition plot

"Life: Some disassembly required."

Davis is a young banker struggling with himself after the tragic death of his wife. Despite pressure from his father-in-law to get back on track, Davis's life continues to crumble. What begins as a letter of complaint to a vending machine company results in countless letters back and forth revealing some shocking private circumstances. The letters catch the attention of customer service representative Karen, who develops an unlikely bond with Davis. With help from Karen and her son, Davis tries to start a new life.

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  • 564 messages
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What an original and good movie! As usual, Jake Gyllenhaal plays a strange, weird but fun and good role. How he deals with the death of his wife is strange and then that she is angrier at the broken candy machine is also strange. After a while, Naomi Watts enters the picture and a special bond forms between her and Gyllenhaal. The relationship between Gyllenhaal and Watts' son is also fantastic to see! The ending is also great! Go see this one!

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Beun de Haas BV

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Demolition has a unique perspective on grief processing. It is a light-hearted approach to a melancholy theme, which avoids the necessary clichés and therefore remains entertaining. Sometimes funny, sometimes cynical, sometimes moving, sometimes absurd. Not a high flyer, but the moral of the story in combination with the vibe appeals to me.

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Sergio Leone

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Jake Gyllenhaal once again portrays a not very sympathetic character, this time in a cynical comedy. He is of course the driving force - he has put together quite a nice body of work in the last decade. A Naomi Watts in a slightly too trivial supporting role or Chris Cooper quickly get snowed under.

Visually, the film is quite fresh, although nothing surprising. Only problem is that it doesn't really go anywhere. The different plot lines don't really matter - that in itself is not a problem for me - but at the end of the ride I nevertheless had the feeling that I had looked at something out of control. There is nothing more to experience than the cynical undertone, which results in a slightly too meager end product.


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