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Ci Qing (2007)

Drama | 94 minutes
3,22 36 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 94 minuten

Alternative title: Spider Lilies

Country: Taiwan

Directed by: Zero Chou

Stars: Rainie Yang and Isabella Leong

IMDb score: 6,1 (2.190)

Releasedate: 30 March 2007


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Ci Qing plot

"A daring portrait of forbidden love."

Jade, a webcam girl, visits a tattoo parlor where she meets Takeko, a young woman she knows from her childhood. She sees an image of a spider lily tattoo hanging on the wall and wants it on her body. Takeko, who doesn't recognize her, refuses for obscure reasons. Jade doesn't give up and visits the shop more often, while Takeko in turn logs into Jade's erotic website in the evening.

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