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Mijn Beste Film Die Nooit Gemaakt Is (2023)

Documentary | 48 minutes
2,62 4 votes

Genre: Documentary

Duration: 48 minuten

Alternative title: Mijn Beste Film, Die Nooit Gemaakt Is

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Paul Ruven

Stars: Dick Maas, Martin Koolhoven and Pim de la Parra


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Mijn Beste Film Die Nooit Gemaakt Is plot

Perhaps a characteristic of a filmmaker is that you make some films and some you don't. Especially for that one “best” film of yours that did not go ahead, you probably fought harder and put a lot more time into it than those films that did go ahead. Result: Unfortunately, your best film will always remain invisible. "My best film that was never made" is a small ode to all the wonderful film projects that were never made. On the occasion of 25 years of the Dutch Directors Guild.

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