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The Order (2024)

Crime | 116 minutes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 116 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Canada

Directed by: Justin Kurzel

Stars: Jude Law, Nicholas Hoult and Tye Sheridan

IMDb score: 6,8 (23.607)

Releasedate: 5 December 2024

The Order plot

"Based on the chilling true story."

In the year 1983, a series of violent bank robberies and car thefts take place. While local residents panic, the police are puzzled. A lone FBI agent is stationed in a sleepy town in Idaho. He is convinced that the crimes are being committed by a group of terrorists following a radical, charismatic leader who targets the federal government.

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Alan Berg

Gary Yarbrough/Talk Show Caller

Walter West

Terry Husk

Hotel Receptionist

Robert Jay Mathews

Bank Teller #1

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  • 2843 messages
  • 2123 votes

The Order was for me as a whole a very pleasant surprise. The setting, atmosphere and the acting everything was right. Impressive that these Turner diaries inspire people for so long to justify certain actions.

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  • 2154 messages
  • 2051 votes

Strong action thriller. The story is based on facts and is well developed by Kurzel. The structure is good and tension and action are nicely alternated with the necessary drama in between. All that in a good balance. The action scenes are not special but are expertly portrayed. As an action lover you will come up short at the end, because the expected fireworks are somewhat lacking. Furthermore, excellent acting performances and visually there is nothing to complain about. 3.5/4.0

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  • 445 messages
  • 383 votes

A solid and plausible crime film. Cared for down to the last detail and in terms of editing even quite original at times.
Without any prior knowledge of the history surrounding The Order, everything is easy to follow, without Kurzel getting bogged down in flashy explanations. Whether everything happened exactly as this film depicts is of course questionable, as with most "true stories". But most of it seems plausible. Only the last part went a bit off the rails in my opinion. Too bad, because a strong film like this deserves a stronger ending. And of course, another mega-cliché character had to be added: A sympathetic young agent who initially does not perform, after which his overcompensation costs him his life. (It was clear almost from his introduction that he was going to be shot).
But apart from these negatives, The Order is a beautiful film.

It's a shame that the idiotic The Turner Diaries is still so relevant today.

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