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Indagine Su un Cittadino Al di Sopra di Ogni Sospetto (1970)

Crime | 115 minutes
3,77 109 votes

Genre: Crime / Thriller

Duration: 115 minuten

Alternative title: Investigation of a Citizen above Suspicion

Country: Italy

Directed by: Elio Petri

Stars: Gian Maria Volonté, Florinda Bolkan and Gianni Santuccio

IMDb score: 8,0 (14.071)

Releasedate: 16 October 1970

Indagine Su un Cittadino Al di Sopra di Ogni Sospetto plot

"How will you kill me this time?"

When a fascist police inspector kills his mistress, he deliberately leaves traces. He leaves these behind to see how great his reputation is, and whether he is really above all suspicion.

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